
Talkin' Underground

Oh, is there something in the menu that tells you how much capacity you still have? Because I have movies going back 3 years … or more.

I suspect, if they renew the show, there'll be a trainwreck quality to it … waiting for the anvil to drop … it will temporarily reinvigorate my interest in the show.


I haven't written a creative word all summer. In fact, I forgot my writing goal for the month up until now. I think I'll put it off until the 1st, which will give me until the 6th to do something with it. The goal: tighten up 2 erotic shorts via 2nd edits, then send to developmental editors for story feedback.

Ooof. I remember my CollDev class in library school. The only saving grace is that I got to visit a friend at her library - the one at the former HQ for Sun Microsystems (before it became the GooglePlex).

That was rhetorical and I'm including myself … like, why do our minds do this to us?

Thanks! I'll definitely check out 1 … we'll see if I'm feeling in the mood for #4.

I was really okay with the hand-waving of Hunter's/Jay's/Zoom's origin. There was lots of handwaving, but I didn't mind.

After thinking about it … it's actually an old trope from romance novels:
a young girl is orphaned/sent away from impoverished relatives and
becomes the ward of a guardian with biological kids, goes to live with
them, grows up with the other kids, and then the ward and one of the
sons fall in love when they come of


I confess, I've never seen any of the Toxic Avengers. Which ones should I Tivo?

Upvoted because "Lothar of the Hill People" has me audibly giggling here at work.

Hey, you. Did you see the Castle news from the other day?

Yeah, where does that come from?

No fresh air for you! Or Fresh Air for you!

Chandra Wilson.

Why? I'm okay-to-neutral on Oatmeal (some of his stuff is funny, but I'm not absolutely over the moon about him), but most of my friends seem to adore him, and I've never met anyone who didn't like his stuff. So, you fascinate me, tell me more?

Bathing in it is a bit much, but I'm definitely wading in the waters of Underground

Much success to you on this step, MLA. *hug*