
*volunteers to be AJ's IP attorney* *starts filing papers for inevitable infringement/breach of contract suit*

Part of me thinks, "Coolness!"

Ah … okay.

I'm sorry there was no times for questions about Made in America (yes, I love that movie) or Cousins. Still, solid interview!

"Coming onto" is not QUITE the same as "coming on" … yet.

Hey now. 1915 is the era of the Wobblies, Emma Goldman and Eugene Debs. Extremely liberal back then was literally socialist (and not just Bernie Sanders socialist, either).

Barbie with twists? Where do I send Mattel my money? Do I actually have to walk into a Toys R' Us to get one?

I'm torn. I could have used with seeing more of the Rat King (especially once it Voltron'd), but I also wanted more Trubel … but so far, I'm kinda happy with this season and looking forward to next week. A secret war among the Wesen sounds cool.

But is Harvey Keitel naked in this film?

Hopefully someone with a 70s era perm? Please?

Depending on who you ask, the deciding factor in MJ doing the film was Diana Ross. Remembering how swoony DR made MJ back in those days … maybe? I dunno. It's all possible, nothing's definitely known because we can't ask MJ. I'm certainly sorry Stephanie Mills did not have a bigger career.

So, not a Rare Exports*? A shame. And Krampus is just such a bizarrely fun legend.

You realize you will have all of the librarian commentators who read this at least slightly chuffed at you.

According to Anil Dash, The Wiz is where Michael first met Quincy Jones. So, perhaps no Off the Wall or Thriller?

Oh, you're right! I got Morgan Brittany confused with Mary Crosby!

Twilight Zone, "I Sing the Body Electric". Or, for something movie-length, Something Wicked This Way Comes is fairly faithful to the book and a good (although perhaps not great) movie.

Great song. One of my favourites.

Honey, dear, sweetpie, Mr. EvilLincoln sir … you forgot something important about Morgan Brittany.

Oh, I tried, honey, boy did I. It should have been in my wheelhouse. But two episodes is where I stopped. I did read the reviews here, though, just to watch Todd's further descent into madness.