
So are we just going to ignore the fact that the woman from the married couple was a post-op transgender?

Okay, okay. Fair enough. But point is this: the first draft of anything is rarely what we see on screen. I write scripts, I read books about writing scripts, and I've taken classes about writing scripts - and they all say to rewrite and rewrite until you have the best possible version of your script.

Oh! So we were on the same page, basically. Well, you make valid points.

It seems to me some of the older cast members (Wiig, Sedeikis, Hader, Moineham, Thompson, Sandberg) have taken a major back seat to the newer cast. This wouldn't be a problem if, like you said, the cast actually put in energy and effort (like with Sandberg in the opening monologue, could he have been any quieter) and

You have it backwards - he CAN'T act. He's a funny guy, but he has no gift for acting. All the roles are the same because he plays them the same way. I used to love Sudeikis and his work, but the more he's on camera the more I'm starting to dislike him. He's just being himself. He's funny, but has no range.

But that's exaclty why pilots are good or have quality. Because they are rewritten and rewritten over and over again. I'm sure the first draft of Saving Private Ryan (not a pilot) was no good.

You're right. My point was that it was going to be more consistent.

Totally agree with you!!

A B+? Are you kidding me? You know what, we're never going to agree on this show. Oh, well.

Sean, you make me laugh.


RE: Timothy Olyphant.
What the hell happened to that guy? I know he's a traveling salesman, but he was in, like, two episodes and then he disappeared.

I don't think Andy was ever written as a leadership role. He spelled out exactly why he received the promotion: he had a college degree. Also, he was a terrible salesman. As far as backstage issues are concerned, Ed Helms was the next biggest movie star in the cast so he was given the lead role.

The Office seems to have just taken it's next biggest movie star on the show and placed him where Steve Carrell used to be.

Well, I feel all the character's in The Office have always been mean spirited (especially toward Micheal). But I agree with you on the deconstruction of the characters. This always seems to happen with comedies the longer they are on the air (Friends, Will & Grace, The Big Bang Theory, and I know those are sitcoms).

I still think the voice actors should get residuals. Seems kind of unfair. Actors from live television get them.

Me, too. Go talk about Community on the Community reviews!

I've been saying this for a while, but Parsons is just phoning it in now.

All this talk about how AMAZING Community is is making me really not want to watch that shit. I've never seen an episode and everyone builds it up so much. Whatever. Good review, it was just a "whatever" episode. Even the audience seemed like the jokes were tastelss.

They were talking about boobs when he said bazonga.