
Vodka and OJ. That was "Mummy Koolaid." There was a jug in the fridge.

My mother taught me that racism is actually laziness. If you get to know people, they'll give you plenty of reasons to hate them. To hate them in a group, based on things they can't control like the color of their skin or where they're from, is just fucking lazy.

So very much this.


"Vy am I drippings with goo?"

Why did you feel the need to tell me I needed to log off and calm down? I was actually quite calm when I wrote my comment. You're the one who felt the need dogsplain it to me.

Sorry, I should have said "perpetuates" instead of "creates."

Also, tried to listen to the podcast but was super triggery. So couldn't stick it out. Perhaps I'd enjoy a different episode. Sorry, not sorry.

Yeah, I was not nearly as vitriolic as your all caps response suggests (which looking at your disqus I guess is your modus operandi, but is grating in the extreme.) Of the two of us, I would suggest you log off and calm down.

The problem there is that he's not "only talking" about it. The way he talks about it creates the very culture that often makes it untenable for women, esp. women who are trying to build a career in comedy, to come forward. If you don't come forward then it never happened so STFU and if you do come forward then you

I have no response to that.

I have an older brother, whom I now adore, but he was basically a surfer version of Ferris when we were younger. I found it infuriating then. His curfew was later because he was a boy, we both got caught skipping once and I got grounded and he got a "boys will be boys,"….stuff like that happened all the time. Also,


The hers and his "I love yous" were just pitch perfect. So full of empathy and love and that sad, wistful, I-wish-I-could-fix-this-for-you sweetness.

He tried to kill Mike!

Poor Tommy. Poor kitten.

Moonlighting Mark Harmon sent my nascent adolescence on a hormonal rollercoaster.

Years back, I dated an Irish guy whom I believed had an impenetrable brogue until a few years later when I dated a fellow from the same town as him. When I asked why his accent wasn't as thick as the other bloke's, he replied, "It's not his accent, he just fookin' mumbles. We can't understand him either."

I had lunch with my brother today who has been traveling and so had missed this news. He was all joyfully asking me if I'd watched Talking for Clapping yet, which turned into me unwittingly depressing the shit out of him. That was not fun.

Beautifully done. And should there ever also be a pirate pun-run of Keanu films, you're already all set.