
Coopers you can find in New York.

Just give me Bondi Rescue and I am a happy girl

Don't forget Huntsmans.

I spent the last 4 episodes screaming, "BAD DOCTOR!"

Not the lover revealed to be a can of vegetables?

A bit, I was more bothered by Peter not helping with Leo since we know he's great with babies.

THANK YOU! Exactly what I was thinking!

It's such a shame because when they use him well, he totally kills it. I still think of it as the Emperor State Building when I walk past thanks to him.

No, the word is possum. Possums are from Australia and its surrounding isles (and were brought to NZ where Willow was filmed by the Brits back in the colonizing days). Opossums are found in North America. Common Brushtails are possums and not opossums.

Metaphorical impalement…ya know? Although she may at some point have actually called me "traitor child." And she does have red hair and long nails.

Jean Marsh was so great in this. The way she talked to Sorsha was what I found most terrifying. But, ya know, mommy issues.

A version of Commando done by toddlers and with that exact action sequence would really make my day.

Thanks. It sucked. The story gets much worse but the AV comments section is not really the place to share it. But it was over a decade ago. I survived. I just hope his practice didn't.

I had a sexist gyn once. He slut-shamed me and made me cry. I was 22. I wish I could go back in time and make myself walk out of that office. I'd never put up with that shit now.

Most medical offices, yes, but I can't imagine an OB/GYN wouldn't have a
plenitude of pumps, all the exam rooms offer privacy and we've seen the
giant fridge in the break room which is plenty big for the seven-ten
people who seem to work there.

Somewhere a development executive just creamed his pants.

Exactly with the walking-back his worser instincts. It's Carol entire rationale for choosing him, "I don’t want to be with a man who can leave
someone in the desert to die. I wanna be with the man who doesn’t have
the heart to go through with it."

I read that as "Ivory Merchant, purveyors of unfortunate historical remainders…" which also works.

I heart you

I thought I would love Age of Innocence and remember being bored stiff in the theatre. Remains of the Day and Room with a View were two of my favorites though. Haven't revisited them in ages.