Podcast jokes!
Podcast jokes!
Am I crazy, the video that's above is Girls Season 2: Trailer #1 and there's no Donald Glover, nor this cake everyone is talking about.
Am I crazy, the video that's above is Girls Season 2: Trailer #1 and there's no Donald Glover, nor this cake everyone is talking about.
what a dumb conclusion to draw.
what a dumb conclusion to draw.
You (The AV Club) do nothing but bitch about dangling character arcs and useless space-taker-uppers in the show and yet not a single Walking Dead character made this list… Hmmm….
You (The AV Club) do nothing but bitch about dangling character arcs and useless space-taker-uppers in the show and yet not a single Walking Dead character made this list… Hmmm….
But it's because he didn't take the one year, correct?
But it's because he didn't take the one year, correct?
Are we supposed to assume that Harmon felt short-changed by the network and in his stubbornness refused to kowtow to NBC's "powers that be?"
Are we supposed to assume that Harmon felt short-changed by the network and in his stubbornness refused to kowtow to NBC's "powers that be?"
Where's Louie's therapist?
NBC has simultaneously tightened its own the noose and climbed up on the rickety stool of poor programming decisions.