The grill is genius.
The grill is genius.
Abject horror: 19:30 to 19:35
You had me at "Remember the Titans."
The re-read of "Reamde" after finishing it (I've been doing this for most of his books that aren't the Baroque Cycle - next year for that one) left me wanting much, much more of the virtual combat and the company and less of the real-life tromping. The mid-book action scene in Xiamen was a definite high point, closing…
Oh come on, you never catch the signs.
I liked "Dark Mirror," but felt that "Q-Squared" was an impressive romp. Hell, it even had a throwaway "James S. Kirk" joke!
"Troi had nothing going on in the pilot, except having sexed up Frakes some years earlier and yelling, “PAIN!” all the time. Actually, come to think of it, she was practically an audience surrogate."
Spot/Lwaxana: 1/10 (2/11 when Spot's been "devolved" into an iguana)
Double Down, bitches! Not only anti-sandwich, but anti-circulatory system, too!
I seem to recall one spec script writer or another saying that they'd just do up scripts with spaces for "insert Trek-speak" here for any tech they needed. Considering the detailed support books that they had for the engineering, fake physics, and future history (still have the last one, from the cliffhanger to…
Let's all go to that LMFAO video with North Korean clips and talk about how the Dear Leader passed Q's test and joined the continuum!
I'm pretty sure that rumours Socrates convinced the youth of Athens to do just that led to his execution.
I'm pretty sure that those were "candle-wax-stained battlefields" for "Sub Rosa."
So this is, what, the silver-medal winner for Christmas Day? I can just see the pull-quotes: "The most fun you'll have at the cinema this Christmas if you're not looking for fiasco-grade entertainment!"
Okay, I'd watch the hell out of that, but most anyone who's gone to grad school is probably part of the target demo anyhow.
Let's get CGI Franco to host next year's Oscars.
I've been watching season two with my toddlers, and it's fun to ask them which guest star they want. They've become big fans of Ben Vereen, and both can almost say the name properly.
Teachers still hate the fucking things! Most of the ADHD boys in grades eight through ten still flick the damned things through class… And it's no more fun as a substitute teacher, obviously, since that's just carte blanche for random adolescent dickishness. Sigh. At least it's the holidays now… a few weeks of…
Well, now you've got your side project name set!
Those transcendently awful lyrics — oh my goodness: