
"I shall fetch a rug!"

"Out of Sight" - achronological film? Check.

Fun to join in on! My read from the novel:
1) Sonmi
2) Zachry
3) Frobisher
4) Luisa Rey
5) Cavendish
6) Adam Ewing

Fun to join in on! My read from the novel:
1) Sonmi
2) Zachry
3) Frobisher
4) Luisa Rey
5) Cavendish
6) Adam Ewing

Oh hai, gun barrel.

Oh hai, gun barrel.

Flippin' moving. Still dealing with unpacking and cleaning up the previous place and waiting for the movers to come and take my old TV (nearly 300lbs!) to my dad's workshop since I've decided to forgo dealing with it… once it's taken care of.

Flippin' moving. Still dealing with unpacking and cleaning up the previous place and waiting for the movers to come and take my old TV (nearly 300lbs!) to my dad's workshop since I've decided to forgo dealing with it… once it's taken care of.

I hoped, almost against hope, it would be that clip. "Did I fire seven shots or did I fire only six?"… my goodness, the tears still flow.

I hoped, almost against hope, it would be that clip. "Did I fire seven shots or did I fire only six?"… my goodness, the tears still flow.

Probably Sarah Michelle Geller. 

Not sure if they're still on the market or not, but there was a series of DVD-ROMs with the entire runs of FF, Cap, Iron Man, Uncanny X-Men, Amazing Spider-Man, Hulk, and… some others out a few years back (2005 or so). I have most of them (old grad school plans that went awry). I should probably look to sell them.

All the more poignant now, that.

"It's big, and white and red and has curtains, and it kind of looks like a big Tylenol."

Shoot, I'm a Canadian centrist… which is probably a little further left still beyond this (but with gun control in full effect). I'm not sure I've been aware of having a prime minister who was competent/laudable since my childhood (and I'm still iffy on Trudeau).

Yep, gotta admit that's the second track that I thought of after "Smells Like Teen Spirit." Still love this song… and about half of the first few albums' tracks, too.

Pretty good couplet of your own, Yuri.

I think my parents paid 50 cents for this in a huge haul of Atari games in Saskatchewan just after I bought one a console in '85. (Major, major late adopter here, but I'd just started a paper route then.)

Holy crap! This is the worst… but then again I'm more closely affiliated with all the "bad" people than the good.

Wow! "espn helicopter dad" yields 20,600 hits on google!
…"espn wife beater" 20,100
…"espn sexual predator" 69,900 (though that's likely including various articles they've had to post, too)
…and "espn merril hoge neck bulge" only has 1.300.