To reiterate a meme…
To reiterate a meme…
The last time I saw this show was the pilot. My wife's a fan, but we've just not had complementary schedules for this sort of a thing. I'd have given it a bit more, but I was more distracted as I was cursing my rapidly dying desktop PC while this played and trying to get it booted up.
Pfft, I'm Lutheran and "Die Hard" is my tradition, too. If we weren't at Christmas Eve service and then opening gifts that evening, I'd be watching it at the proper hour. Instead, it's whenever we get enough parents/children/cousins together. That, and the "Afternoon Delight" episode of "Arrested Development."
One of our twins finally dropped a deuce in the potty this weekend. I feel such a connection, Gjetostbuster.
"Dune" without Sting and Patrick Stewart, no? (Still haven't seen it, but as if that wasn't obvious enough from the ads…)
When I was all messed up and had a reply in my head, your post was the lightbulb hanging over my bed.
Keep avoiding it. I still listen to "Hawkmoon" from the soundtrack… maybe "Desire"… but otherwise I assume they're from an unwieldy concept album.
I'm seein' double! Get Sirtis in on this one!
Shockingly, he is also Leonard Pierce.
Seriously? That's… that's just so lame. Ugh.
Are you sure it's not that show with the military lawyer guy with the attractive female assistant? Doesn't he yell that Mark Harmon can't handle the facts or something?
Try re-watching it again. The very thought makes me look at the wife's deluxe boxset of "Stargate" and think, "Eh, after I watch 10 seasons of B-movie sf TV…"
The fact that I have it and have tried to find something good in it again likely has something to do with my repeated viewings of MST3K clips on Youtube. There's just something about a train wreck…
While teaching today in the library, I noticed a senior watching scenes from the first few episodes of season one of "Heroes" and I tried to warn him that he should stop now, that it would only get incredibly disappointing and frustrating. He then said it was his favorite show, that he's seen them all, and owns all…
Todd Louiso (the quiet nemesis of Black's character) steals every scene in "High Fidelity." Black's not too unbearable (for someone who appears first to "Walking on Sunshine") but he's nowhere near tops in the film.
If I have to endure flippin' "Dead Poets Society" one more time in a classroom, I swear that I'll start totin' "Citizen Kane" and "The Godfather" with me everywhere I go, just to have something unassailable to replace it with…
Amen to the great performance from Lopez. I have trouble still explaining my love of "Out of Sight" to people these days, since I'm well-known to be disinclined to watch "American Idol" or listen to music featured by people on the cover of "People," and yet… she's able to hold her own in a strong character movie and…
Every time I hear that name now, I remember a comic from Vancouver's "Georgia Strait" where he, Casey, and Finnegan are playing convicts. I can't find the image, but it's in a collection now:…
That's an amazing clip.