
These words:  "PostOffice doesn’t have a lot of real feeling…" renders this review (and reviewer) utterly useless.

Actually "Gran Torino" received a good deal of acclaim, a fact I will never understand. I think it's easily one of Eastwood's most poorly written/directed/acted films. Scene after scene I was left astounded at its unintentionally hilarious mediocrity. The writing was horrendous - cliched characters,

Right. And speaking of old masters - no Altman??? Gosford Park should certainly have made the Top 50 list. Prairie Home Companion is arguably better than a good number of films here, too.

Nolan Love
WAY too much Nolan love on here. While I admire him as a director and writer, I don't think he deserves to have three films on the list. "The Prestige," while good, would not make the Top 50 of 2006, much less the decade. Placing "Memento" at number five is utterly absurd. Barely makes the Top 50 in my