
I'm thinking Cleganebowl will happen, but not at Cerseit's trial. Cersei's trial will be the flashes we've seen of the Mountain and that group of Faith Militant. The Sparrow will pull some kind of last-minute BS and say that because one side is the seven gods they get seven champions for a 1-v-7 trial by combat.

Hold the Door!

Common in the books but I don't think as common in the show. Plus, it's one thing for warging to be in "Stark blood" but if it's just something in the water at Winterfell that would be a lot to spring on the audience out of nowhere. Plus it undercuts how important/powerful Bran is going to have to be.

I stand by this one. Although maybe he's told to "Hold the door" (i.e. keep the door secure) instead of "hold her," which could also get compressed to "Hodor".

Maybe, but then you have Ned Howland Reed caring for/transporting a literal newborn?

I think they're onto something with young Hodor being central to the Lyanna arc, but this is too loony and would diminish Bran's uniqueness too much for the show to adopt. You can put this similar/related theory in the bank, though:

As you point out, we have to recognize the difficulty involved in having Theon pop back up down the line as a completely cowed, broekn individual.  In the books, his POV chapters allow us to understand that change without seeing the gory bits, but in a show you're going to have to show it.  If Theon just resurfaced

It's got to be an in-character "reunion show" related to the release of the documentary, right?  That could be interesting, and would explain the justification for bringing back all the old cast members.  I actually think it could be interesting now that reality reunion shows are totally played out tropes.  The

Exactly how much square footage is FA&A taking on that a 20% discount on their rent works out as a good deal in exchange for free legal services for Colin Sweeney for three years?  Didn't he say he brings $22M/yr in business?  At the $60/SF they were quoted, I think they'd need to be renting basically the entire

So next season the Chances will be rich, right?

Nice to see they actually acknowledged this in the finale, even with line from Herschel acknowledging how idiotic they've been to just allow cattle and horses to roam around knowing that would obviously be luring in walkers and endangering the peopple forced to live out in the tents.

I thought I was crazy a few weeks ago when I saw cows grazing in the background of one scene, but last night there were like 50 out there.  Isn't this just a huge walker buffet?  Walkers can get in the grounds, right?  We've seen the horse get there, there was one in the well, and wasn't the one that slipped out from