
Calling it: this is the best show of 2014.

"When we get into the heat of battle on this show, it will not be as impressive as the biggest-budget blockbusters, but it will be with people we’ve come to care very much about."

"Remember Me as a Time of Day" by Explosions in the Sky is a fucking beautiful song, so I knew I was going to swallow my stereotypes and love the show within five seconds.

Power through it for the sake of completeness. There's more than enough goodness in the back half after the show almost consciously realizes it's lost the plot. But, if you can't do that, then just watch the episode "Leave No One Behind," which will prime you for S3.

I honestly believe I just watched Breaking Bad cement itself as the, THE greatest show of all time tonight. Tremendous fucking episode.

These were some dark times, man.

You walked in my door…

Don't worry. I've got an ace up my sleeve.


I'll double down on your bold statement, sir, and raise you that the flashback in "Return of the Joker" is the best Batman-related anything on film.

No, he hasn't.

No, he hasn't.

*cut to some time later, the family looking exhausted, the agents having removed their coats with one of them smoking*

*cut to some time later, the family looking exhausted, the agents having removed their coats with one of them smoking*

"JANINE! Do you want me to get in my car and drive you up and down the field?"

"JANINE! Do you want me to get in my car and drive you up and down the field?"



September 2nd, 2001 to be exact. I WAS THERE.

September 2nd, 2001 to be exact. I WAS THERE.