
Jay-Z took his name from a subway line.

+1 for obscure Python sketch quotes. Nicely done, folks. Stiff handshakes all around.

here's a question, which captain would most want to follow into battle? Picard could run the show like Eisenhower, but Sisko would be Patton.


100 years after TOS?
I never paid much attention to the stardates, or even bothered to figure out what they meant, but I thought TNG was 70 or so years after TOS.

man, speaking of clumsy series crossovers, the DS9 pilot had a doozy.

but in your heart you really want a Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals and RULE YOU LIKE A KING!

what, you've never seen Last Tango in Paris?

1) shape
2) proportion
3) size

Stew-beef is always respectful with elected officials (respect the office, etc. etc.) - like his aggressive but not heated interview with Eric Cantor last week. With people he agrees with he takes a whiffle bat approach - hit them a little, but nothing that hurts.

"Dear Homer: I owe you one soul donut. Sincerely, Homer" Bastard! Always one step ahead!

In other news
thanks to those Norelco banner ads, I'm fired

bloody vikings

Don couldn't stay with Faye because he sees too much of himself in her - like him, she's living a self-made identity and hiding much of her past. She's obviously Jewish (remember "look at that punnim"?) and comes from a lunchpail family. Don knows it, and it scares him.


a point in it's favor, however
it did document the fact that Roger Angell is still, in fact, alive. So there's that.

yes, unfortunately I did sit through both "Move Along Home" and "Melora" - neither was offensively bad (MAH was just old fashioned Star Trek goofiness, Bashir gets some nice material in Melora), but they weren't worth the time. I did skip the Lwaxana Troi episode.

this seems like as good a place as any to ask - I'm a lapsed Trekkie who is going through DS9 at the moment (a few eps into season 3). What are the bad DS9 episodes? I mean, the real howlers that I should avoid at all costs.

Cyril Connelly?

I AM smilin