Internet Master 1998

"I liked Tomb Raider because it told a real story about a woman"

You people make me sick.

The nominations for that thing are insanely stupid. Best PC game category is hilarious

Uhh Yeah Dude is the best podcast.

I've long stopped listening to Dookie or Smash but I still play Punk in Drublic now and then. Linoleum is a great song.

But I don't wanna Get Evil.

I love the Wire and the Bunk but I couldn't get into this at all.

I'm the opposite. I watched about 10 episodes of Mad Men and found it a boring soap featuring unlikable people.

Because it's a primarily multiplayer shooter with regen health I suppose.

Well yes, all the games you mention are mostly popular because of the multiplayer. There's been plenty of good SP FPSes. Recent ones include Far Cry 3 (sandbox), Deus Ex HR (stealth, RPG), STALKER Call of Pripyat (sandbox, RPG), Dishonored (stealth), etc.

BioInf is an abysmal shooter. In terms of gameplay it's just as bad as a Call of Duty campaign.

I'm not sure what it is you're bragging about there…

The remake wasn't a bad horror film by any means but the original was way more unsettling/creepy.

There's a mod that removes the color filter in fc2.

Punch Rockgroin

Marseille's Northern banlieues and some of Paris' surrounding areas are arguably the most dangerous in France but you're still far, far less likely to be killed or assaulted there than you are in Detroit.

Let's not exaggerate. There's a thousand places across Romania and Bulgaria that are way more depressing than Detroit.