
Right and wrong about the Stranger Danger sketch. I thought it was really well written. But poorly executed, especially by Pedrad. She was too off putting. God I couldn't even look at her wacky kid character as the sketch started. You could see her about to bust out of the desk. The funny was there and if she had

Because Mr. Krabappel chased something small and fluffy down a rabbit hole

Line could not have been read better. Plus good animation on how they panned to her from the gasping children.

Line directed to her: "Mrs. Krabappel, I really need my drumsticks back"

It's that kind of level headed, stress reducing thought that's going to help you outlive us all. You poor bastard.

What's Santa's Little Helper doing to that other dog?

#1 is Who needs the kwik e mart?

So Ron Glass in the pilot. Was that just a cameo or will we ever see that character again.

I played centerfield in high school, for our production of Damn Yankees.

Wait, there's a guy named the Vulture. Someone needs to tell Diaz.

This show seems like it would have cedar closets.

Feel somewhat warmly towards it?

Does Bart make reference about going to law school in this one? They used to tease his future as Supreme Court Justice. They don't do that anymore, do they?

We had something similar about this time. it was called Channel 1.  I remember the great benefit was that the company paid for all the TV's and they were professionally mounted into the wall. (Hey, those 17" CRT TV's don't grow on trees you know). I'm sure there was some cash too. During homeroom, we were to watch

I didn't understand that parody. See, I live in Texas. I've never heard of this thing, a CAWL BAWK. Is that right? I assume they are good from what I could infer from the sketch. Did she audition for a Popeye's commercial? (Whatever an "audition" is, I think I made that word up). And I guess you have to live in New

One thing I learned tonight. All scenes on television need Rob Lowe in the near background doing squat thrusts.

Just curious. For all those people who wished they would just stop making 30 Rock and The Office already. Did you watch Welcome to the Family and think, "Thank God this is on instead of those other shows that were good, but not as good as they used to to be"?

Live in Dallas and these are everywhere. The traveling club team is the greatest ripoff in the history of business.  I've heard so many parents swell with pride about son or daughter making one. Constantly doing fund raisers to travel to a tournament out of state and not enjoy yourself. It's just a scam to get you to

Sometimes I wonder if people make up wacky anecdotes to use for comments on this site. More than any other post I've ever read, to the point I would bet my life on it, this event has to have really happened to you. Who the fuck could make something like this up out of thin air?

This almost made me want to see World War Z. I want to see the context of that ending and 6 AM smiles.