Ellsworth Toohey


There might be a billion of them running around, you sure you want to wear that thing? * casts Remove Curse *

By all accounts, Van Gogh was a stellar human being. That's why people appreciate his artwork.

Agree, although technically it is a conspiracy, just like most things that happen in the world. People have hung weights on that word for no good reason.

Exactly… one might apply the same complaint to movies like Frozen, but no one does.

Please tell me they did not use the song Strange Magic in a movie called Strange Magic to indicate that strange magic was afoot.

Using a time machine for counter-examples kind of reinforces my point.

The whole concept might be ironic, but my money's on dumber.

Hate to be that guy… but there is a substantial worldwide market for humans, including babies.

He's got a Hollywood face. I'm sure you encounter average-to-below looking people in your daily life.

You seem to be equating thinness with attractiveness. Not everyone agrees on that. Kevin James and Melissa McCarthy are both overweight, but they're also both attractive. I'm talking about something else.

That might work if "the center" hasn't already been moved into the right wing's tent, which is the Clintons' primary goal. If it's OK for a radical ideologue to be nominated on the right, why not the left?

The party had clearly pre-determined that nobody was allowed to challenge the former president's wife. But there had to be a sham primary, to make things look good, so Bernie was chosen to represent the foolishness of actual liberal values.

Attractiveness is generally assumed in TV actors, is it not? A show featuring average-looking people might constitute headline material.

Now I have that ELO song stuck in my head.

Romani eunt domus

Try to be active and lose weight, this is what it gets you. Can't win sometimes!

You think they should be at home playing bridge? Smoking a pipe and reading about finance? Churning butter?

We covered that in Hatesong a while back. In short, it sucks.

Pretty sure they had laser guns from the get go. That was the hook, a blend of the two genres.