Cooking With Cranston

I wish Anchor Bay would release an official ultimate cut of all three together into one movie.


Not even Martin Shkreli?

I dunno why I originally thought this was going to be about Bruce Willis having brain cancer.

Or he was asking the kid to hold the ball for him so he could finish his pretzel dog.

Think of the A.V. Club community. Now think of the A.V. Club community gathering in an arena but instead of reading articles about music, tv, movies and politics and commenting, it's watching athletes and screaming at the top of their lungs occasionally.

Not well. Not well.

In memory of George Romero:

Don't worry, you'll get your chance.
We all will.

And also cheaper and easier to stuff pig gizzards in a mannequin.

Well, it's not……there……anymore.

Like the Electoral College?

Fire Engines and mammoth industrial construction equipment are COOL, OK?

That sucks

Colburn's Bad Fur Day?


*Sticks in earbuds and plays some R. Kelly on iTunes*

Did he have any related priors?

I'm guessing NOT in a Don Rickles/Nipsey Russell kind of way.

Great Zombie Jesus!