Cooking With Cranston

And what have we learned?

I have to agree. Nixon was a man of conviction but had an awful chip on his shoulder. He came to power as the nation's values and culture were shifting and he had grown too old and inflexible to help facilitate the new era.

I Gadon't Give A Damn.
I'm still Gado'ing to see it, though.

True, but they won't be rocking back and forth or pacing till they do.

I'll give it to the bushcrafters because their skills are actually good to have, even in a pre-apocalyptic world.

Ok now that I got that image in my head…
*clears throat*
I…..I'll be back in about 20 minutes.

Like a less derpy Natalie Portman.

Is that still illegal in Germany. I thought they were far more progressive than most countries or am I misreading your post?

How ever will Hollywood make up the box office loss?

But why no Arleen Sorkin?!

You're also not wearing a shirt.

But is it a Danzig thing or a metal thing in general?

2. Xanadu

I had weekend.
I rest needed.
Food, drink and good streaming I look.
Binged Flash. Me like.
Me now have epilepsy.

It made a lot more sense in the Dark Horse graphic comic series that pre-ceded the movie

The Warners step off the water tower and declare "Anvilania is open for business!"


Well, there's always Star Trek: Discovery.
I have a feeling since Enterprise and Voyager didn't get the AV Club treatment, it seems very unlikely Discovery will even raise an eyebrow.

Is there anything Tom Cruise doesn't insist on?

At least they're honest, even when they're not. It's painfully obvious.
Women become so invested in their deceit that they often convince themselves just to prove them wrong.