Johnny Depp Cast To Play Cyrano de Bergerac; Universe Implodes.
Johnny Depp Cast To Play Cyrano de Bergerac; Universe Implodes.
That's why few procrastinators are assholes.
I vacuum so I feel less guilty about not dusting or mopping, or folding laundry.
My instincts never really needed affirmation but I'll take it.
That whole movie was pointless and maybe that was the point.
My doctor tells me I should eat only misogyny-free bread.
Bitch with a blaster FTW!
Well, they do have things to celebrate, too.
I'm surprised there's no mention of Supergirl the movie. Granted, it was utter garbage but it still follows many of the same trope.
"Perhaps that's because most grown women don't find the idea of dating an inexperienced, adolescent boy all that appealing."
It's pharyngeal jaw against dentures.
Hey, if it involves a chest-bursting Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman, I'm game.
I can't think of any other reason to wash them.
That robot thingy that looks like something out of a Masamune Shirow manga.
Alien vs Ash when?
I'm not sure feltching was ever hip.
There's one question that remains and it's not 'will Jack vanquish Aku?' But 'When?'
Who's THEY?!!