Last thing I remember, he was entertaining Simon's offer and planning a trip to the Sanctuary.
Last thing I remember, he was entertaining Simon's offer and planning a trip to the Sanctuary.
But tell me it wouldn't have been a 1000 times better if the tiger jumped in at the last second and mauled Karl to death, throwing Negan for an even bigger WTF?! loop.
The problem with Negan is he can't keep is enforcers in line. Whenever they go out to collect a tribute, the lieutennants tend to ape Negan while overdoing the dickish bully part. Many of these other communities have been providing for the Saviors for some time and keeping up their end of the bargain and I think Negan…
The only credibility I give this is that Negan doesn't want to shoot himself in the foot killing the people of Alexandria because the Saviors would be cutting themselves off from a steady stream of wide-ranging supplies.
Sure he's got a handful of workers at the Sancturary but I don't think he has enough skilled people…
I don't. Better call in for work tomorrow.
New season of Honey Booboo?
which one?
So is Universal trying to launch it's own MCU(Monster Cinematic Universe)?
a whiff of that perfectly cast?
Pepperidge Farm Remembers
Best when pulled out slowly.
I'm more an Appleseed fan.
I'll pass.
Shame it's only for one season but I hope Tartakofsky stays at CN for a while for some new stuff.
Rick and Morty is one of the best things going….even if delayed.
New Venture Bros. and Mike Tyson Mysteries, when?
Are her gloves ribbed for wall-climbing orrr…..?
He is now but he was originally in the Justice League line-up before Teen Titans.
Actually, I enjoyed the deleted stuff from the Watchmen extended edition. The added Black Freighter segments in the ultimate edition was unnecessary and broke the pace of the film.
Not to mention I like to snack during a movie and usually after the 35-40 mark, nature calls.