This seems to suggest that there are layers and depth.
This seems to suggest that there are layers and depth.
More like Mass Defect: Everyone Is Fuckable.
Shut Up, Arnuld. I'm twying to concentwate.
Given Texas is the poster state for the NRA, I trust stupid will fix itself over time.
It may not be the Mad Max or Blade Runner future we hoped for but it's probably the one we deserve.
Yet their 'actual' turkey is only 50% turkey, allegedly.
Subway has yet to comment on allegations of fronting Hillary Clinton's child sex-trafficking ring.
So Universal is paying RDJ 60-80 million for another Dr. Dolittle remake when I'm pretty sure Benedict Cumberbatch would do it for less than half?
That's where screen presence and charisma take over, for which Gerard has none.
So, is Heidecker done with Adult Swim or is it the other way around?
Unless they're gonna drag this shit out into next season. I wouldn't put it past them.
It was.
Yeah, for a moment, I though Maul was going to sit down and join Obi-Wan by the fire and spend a moment or two to bask in his aggrandizing speach about how everything has led up to this moment.
Rebels is the only other show I know of that seems to go out of its way to make sure we hate it's main character(s). The other being The Walking Dead.
That Ninja Coffee Bar is actually pretty tempting but I can't shake that little voice in my head that's telling me I'd use it for a couple weeks and then would just collect dust on my counter, like my Ninja Kitchen System.
He's turned into the Wal-Mart "WHAAAAT?" meme.
Lang needs to get off that stuff, pronto!
Who's playing the donkey?
Who'd of thought that the woods would be so…earthy?
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey:
It was slow-going for Larry that night.