But on the positive side, red diapers and badass knee-highs.
But on the positive side, red diapers and badass knee-highs.
Always the optimist.
I envision this leading to endless online debates introducing spreadsheets and the 'meta'.
Do you shake or do you bake?
Just one question-
Do you roll the dough or do you pound it?
“75 percent of the population” in the U.S., France, the U.K., Germany, and Canada live within three miles of a McDonald’s.
Actually, in the U.S., 75% of the population live within walking distance of a McDonald's, unless you're a moonshiner…..or the Unibomber.
Oooh, role play!
Yeah, I live right in that area where the traffic just gets worse by the day, to say nothing of all the shit getting built around it. New houses, condo's, shopping, etc.
There's also one here in Atlanta and I hate the fact that I get taxed on Prime delivery.
It's mostly the fact that it's poorly planned, like most everything else in Atlanta, overbudget, years off-schedule and yeah, I'm getting a $17 additional charge a month to pay for it. Maybe my great-grandkids will actually save on clean energy if we're still around then.
The economy must be booming somewhere in the world if Amazon is offering up random, mystery crap to throw money at.
Georgia politics run about as smooth as its traffic.
Hey! Who's Up For A New Stadium?!
or Power Plant?!
or Another Useless I75 Offramp?!
I put salt on a steak once and it dried the shit out of it. It was like thick, tasteless jerky. The spices and the fat juice alone make for a very flavorful experience. I'm also not much of a salt person. There's enough sodium in pretty much everything we eat.
And I thought the American midwest had some unbelievably batshit, surreal values.
That's like 3 in PhotoShop hours.
Iran used to be more progressive about female fashion than even the U.S. at one point but then a thing happened that lead to another thing and now things are happening all over.
If any country is creative with it's news coverage, it's South Korea.
For $50, I'm putting melted butter and bourbon on my steak.
Depending on where in Kansas City, it can be two things.