Cooking With Cranston

Samuel L. Jackson wants 'Samuel L. Jackson' to be in a movie.

Is this a hint there will be a floating 'Orange Pig in a suit' this summer?

That's Lemmy, silly.

and dream of old British phone conversations.

So do I. Every relationship I've been in typically ends roughly a month away from Valentine's Day. I have a closet full of stuffed bears and hokey cards but the chocolates never goto waste.

Directed by Don Coscarelli.

Iggy declined for comment.

But he's bringing it all together.

and blue rock candy

I thought Trump united us in mutual hate….for everything.

Is that the same guy who's name is on all that hunting and tracking gear Amazon keeps trying to push on me?

I enjoyed Reloaded simply for the non-stop action and effects spectacle but it wore thin 2/3rds into the movie and Revolutions was just a fresh-out-of-steaming pile of anticlimax.

Same with me. If you [Restore Down] the browser window, it fixes it. Not an ideal workaround but at least you'll be able to read and post without interference.

Or as a Lawyer in The Firm and A Few Good Men.

I'm sure once Sabine finds someone to lead a newly reunited Mandalore, she'll rejoin the Ghost crew and I'm sure they'll wrap that arc up fairly quickly.

I had to chuckle at the design of Ursa’s… house? Mansion? Why did it look like a McMansion on a California cliffside?

I never understood the appeal of the Dragonball series.

But will we ever see a car commercial that captures the nostalgia of NARC?

Rose's Room isn't healthy. It would drive anyone insane but especially a young, impressionable teen/tween with Mommy and planetary doom issues.

I don't know why Kim Jong and Putin don't hang out more.