A Suffusion of Yellow

Most cable/internet providers are terrible at customer service.

Uh, the workers control the means of production? The struggle of the urban proletariat?

Uh, the workers control the means of production? The struggle of the urban proletariat?

Have we had enough of cop dramas.

Have we had enough of cop dramas.

Could be worse. At least Bella sounds like a real name that would be used by someone who never read the books. I know someone who named his kid Anakin. There is no way that will end well.

I thought he was calling her "J," although "Jane" would be funnier.

Oh, Ponce de Leon, you are a regular character!

I definitely got the same impression. The manic shirtlessness may or may not have contributed as well.

I'll never be cruel to a gin and tonic again!

I hate to say it, but it would have been better had the butt been made green in Photoshop. Missed opportunity there.

So, am I the only one who was convinced after this episode that there's a robot version of Soong himself running around somewhere, letting everyone think he's dead? Because I can't think of any reason why there wouldn't be, but it never comes up.


Here's my idea
Forget Paul and Ringo anyway and just start some sort of "Beatles Jr." band.

Dammit, that song is going to be stuck in my head all day now.