Tuba Gooding Jr.

For what it's worth I'm with Oates, neither the book nor the movie had much to say in the end, despite the great use of The Pixies.

I love the west wing and it is certainly in top form here. Also, I'm really glad that Steve pointed out the fact that this aired just before the 2000 elections. Sometimes this show was all that got be through going to high school in Alabama.

The speech gag
I really enjoyed Ted's speech during the movie. I didn't really have any trouble following the overlapping dialog even though I didn't remember any of it from the first time. Tony's "And if you truly love me…" underneath Ted's "and if you still kinda like me" was a nice character moment.

It seems like an extension of Gene Siskel's old rule that a film has failed if it seems like a documentary of the actors having lunch would be more entertaining. If the commentary is funnier than the film, you have a disaster on your hands.

It's kind of strange to hear this, although it makes sense. I haven't listened to any of Kaki King's albums but I happened to see her live twice and didn't think her vocals were lacking at all.

JF: I was just about to mention Crank 2. The AV Club is, if anything, far more open to stupid, fun entertainment than most publications. I haven't seen this, and I thought the trailer looked promising so I probably will, but it's also quite possible that Kieth just didn't enjoy it, regardless of whether it was taking

I don't see why it's any less fun to read it like that.

I just wanted to say that, while I appreciate much of her writing, the "I won't capitalize my name" thing is dumb.

I got excited because I thought this was a new Ratatat album.

ummm what's not awesome about trampolines?

I thought Donna was more or less right on, I enjoyed lots of pieces but this episode is probably never going to jump to mind when I think of great HIMYM episodes.

Say what you will about Radioshack, but when you need to plug shit into other shit (sometimes with fewer than five adapters!) it's the place to go.

How about that one Seinfeld where Jerry is fastidious, George is lazy, Kramer doesn't understand social interactions and Elaine is a bit slutty?

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick."
"You give yourself too much credit."
"Alright then, I ain't all that humble."

Yeah, the chess scene was one of the ones that hooked me, every bit as the "Motherfucker!" CSI scene and "Where's Wallace?" (well, maybe not quite as much as that one, I mean damn.)

Doublepost, or Kaufmanesque mindfuck?

Basterds is definitely one of the great ones.

I generally consider season 2 to be the best, but a few episodes ago I started thinking this season has a shot at dethroning it. I've enjoyed each episode so far, and Girls vs. Suits, while perhaps not quite a "Slap Bet" was pretty amazing.

I am generally opposed to musicals, but I love spontaneous organized numbers in things that are not musicals.

The problem is that it has nothing on Portland Center Joel Pryzbilla, the Vanilla Gorrilla.