Tuba Gooding Jr.

Viktor the director flip a script like Rob Reiner
The way a lotta dudes rhyme their name should be "knob shiner"
For a buck, they'd likely dance the Jig or do the Hucklebuck
To Vik it's no big deal, they're just a buncha knuckle-fucks

My favorite remains the Kafka International Airport. Also the Sony Releases New Piece of Shit that doesn't Fucking Work was pretty great.

I will never, never, never understand the appeal of this band.

The story was trite, but when it comes to sitcoms I'm really more interested in execution. This just had too many little moments that I loved to merit less than a B+

It's meta-irony people, get on board.

That trailer didn't really do much for me, but I'll be sure to catch this in some form or another based on the enthusiastic recommendations here. Plus it sounds like it'd be easy to get all Foucaultian on this for a paper or two.

Yeah, this problem has pretty much gone away since I switched to the Zune. I used to get "Me and Guiliani down by the Schoolyard" too, though if it were by song title I would get "!" the 30 second track of machine gun fire from Ghostface's Big Doe Rehab, followed by "!!!!!!!" from The Roots.

I don't really care how many tracks he shuffled, this was a fantastic interview. I got a chance to talk to Matt Friedberger once after a show and he's just a really nice guy and extremely smart.

ESPECIALLY when he was a baby.

So strange to see this praise from critics i'm usually fairly in line with. I'm glad you guys found an interesting take on it, but I honestly cannot remember the last time I had a worse time at a movie theater.

I agree that this always bothers me when I watch episodes now because when I know what's coming the set-up becomes much more obvious. But when I saw that the first time I just remember thinking "yeah, fuck that guy!"

I always loved the fact that Rob Lowe had a clause in his contract that he would be first billed in the credits, but then they ran the credits in sort of reverse seniority just to fuck with him.

The abortions=less crime chapter of Freakonomics is indeed based on some pretty reliable data analyzed by some very smart people. I think some of the problems about sounding like some guy talking about how smart he is has to do with the nature of a co-authored book. The research is largely done by Steven Leavitt,

If you like to boat…
then you are known as a boating enthusiast. I like to boat, but I would never want to be called a boating enthusiast. Can't I just be a dude who likes to boat??

I don't really know what you mean by "just as valid." It doesn't claim to be a list of the 18 LEAST subtle lessons, just 18 lessons that aren't subtle. This actually holds true for all the Inventories. You'll never see one on the ten BEST movies about whatever, it's always 10 Great movies or 15 things that suck…

Agreed, I think this side of American Idol is often overlooked by those that dismiss the show. I can't say i've ever been remotely interested when I've seen it, but since at least one of the finalists every year is from Alabama we get a bajillion local news stories about Idol watch parties like this. A former

If I recall correctly Donna is a theology professor in addition to her duties at the A.V. club, so I suppose she has a personal/professional interest there. Also, while I understand the A.V. club reviews are don't typically make reference to the reviewer's personal background, it seems like it would make sense in

Bullets: I'm pretty sure the AV Club staff was just debating the quality of the film, so I suppose you're in good company.

Ken Jennings
Ken Jennings (the Jeopardy! super champ) has a post on his blog about this novel since it apparently was written by a former Jeopardy champ and features the game show at one point.

El duderino