Tuba Gooding Jr.

They deserve the peabody just for the use of the phrase "goddam ass backwards as fuck" in that "Sony releases new piece of shit that doesn't fucking work" bit.

Yeah, you go down to Hamsterdam they got all the laser tag you want. But once Barney started droppin' bodies you knew they couldn't keep the crass from catching on.

I'm pretty sure that the footage Barney has of Robin isn't of her on the news…

I agree that the darth vader thing didn't really make sense, but it was all worth it for Marshall's wookie scream. Also, Willow in a Darth Vader costume had to cause a few nerdgasms out there, right? Just me?

funny, I didn't notice it at all tonight. It does really bug me occasionally though.

It's kind of odd, I hear a lot more complaints about adaptations of novels than of comics. Perhaps you never met one of those people who insists that the Lord of the Rings films were crap because of the lack of Tom Bombadil? (seriously, they exist) It also seems like you can always cast actors who look at least

I'm going to disagree a bit about Watchmen being a bad place to start. I think Moore plays with the conventions of literature and storytelling, not just superhero comic conventions. If you've seen the Spiderman movies then that's probably enough. Last year I read Watchmen in one sitting and was amazed from start to

It depends on what you want to buy. A lot of times I can get textbooks on my kindle and save 30-40 bucks, plus they're searchable when I need to find a passage that I forgot to mark.

Oops, I also wanted to ask if anyone has seen them use a keyboard on tour? When I saw them and whenever I see live videos the singer plays the riff from "Pillar of Salt" on his guitar and it's never sounds quite as good. That would be my oonly complaint.

Saw them opening for the Hold Steady a while back, that was quite a pairing. I hadn't listened to The Body the blood the machine in a while but I put it in this morning and was wondering if they'd been up to anything recently. Glad to see the AV club come through for me.

That was my first thought after reading this as well. Any modulation of "Secret Policeman's Balls" works as well. "The Balls Policeman's Secret" "Secret Balls' Policeman" etc.

That one was my favorite to.

Hey Millicent, SMG had a cameo in Dr. Horrible.

No, I'm pretty sure this is the prequel to "W"

Wasn't that a Snoop Dogg album?