the life and times of kevin

loved andy's exchange with zoya.  i don't understand how people dislike his character.

i thought this was a great episode.  it was ok until the end, but cathy and rebecca's talk about whether they'd be friends had they met as adults resonated with me a lot, and sean holding the preemie was well done as well.

Andrea's line "I'm fat and you're gay, so we're supposed to get along" absolutely killed me.

parade day
The professor's comment about the dark days of having a parade every day was my favorite of the episode. And the scene with Bender sleeping on Fry's bed reminded me of the episode where Fry's dog never stops waiting for him. Good stuff.

I don't get the hate for Doug. He and Andy are my favorite characters. The only thing that bothered me about this episode was why Nancy, who didn't really smoke before, would suddenly get ridiculously high right before she had to go back to the half-way house.