Your Hardboiled Eggs

I just add beans to stretch it out, honestly. I like it without beans too, but chuck is expensive and I'm not about to put $15 worth of meat and several hours into something that only makes 4-5 servings.

One time I thought I'd try a different kind of salsa, and I ended up picking up a jar that tasted just like spicy, chunky pasta sauce. I don't know if it was just loaded with oregano or what, but it was not something I wanted on my nachos.

Yeah, I wonder if he went through some kind of drug issues for a few years or if fatherhood really mellowed him out, because I've heard a few Collin Meloy asshole stories but when I saw the band for the first time this summer he was as warm as could be. He let some guy from the audience play his guitar during a

My dad drinks "good beer" pretty often, but his idea of good beer is usually just imported pilsners instead of Keystone.

I used to work at a place where they always served chili, and chili was *also* the soup of the day whenever the cooks were feeling especially lazy, so at least once a week.

Most casinos frown upon photography for any reason, really. I mean, it still happens because security has other things to worry about, but you'd think somebody pointing their phone at a machine for 10 minutes would attract *some* kind of attention.

And I don't like beard oil, just feels like I'm rubbing cooking oil on my face and I have to use dish soap to get it off my hands.

It's fun because even my dumb ass manages to know half the questions. I get to feel superior when I get a question right and none of the contestants do.

Do I even want to know what's on a MRA poster?

Seriously so sick of the "well anybody would be better than Hillary or Trump" or the "I just don't like the two-party system and I want to do my part to help end it" bullshit. Not that it matters either way since Hillary is going to run away with it, but Johnson and Stein aren't remotely qualified.

There's a Trump sign in my town that's padlocked to a tree, with a "only freedom-haters steal signs" underneath it. I mean, stealing signs is kinda a petty move, but I wouldn't really associate Trump with freedom. . . .

This is a court order, it says you can't eat shit anymore!

That's the joke.jpg

I love the Music Man, but Wells Fargo Wagon is my least favorite tentpole number from it. Still got a few chuckles out of the Winthrop stuff though.

I actually enjoy listening to them on occasion, but holy shit does their singer not have any stage charisma.

I think there's a lot of allowance based on general workplace culture. We can get pretty rowdy where I work, talk about sex pretty openly. But then there's still a guy that consistently takes it too far and nothing happens to him because HR doesn't care.

Kanye 2020!

Marco Rubio's time has finally come. Gag.

Collecting stuff is fun, CDs aren't as cool. That's about all there is to it. I listen to streaming digital like 95% of the time, but I still like wasting money on vinyl if I really like the album or artist.

I'm not even sure if you're serious or not, but I'm going to suspend what little disbelief I have left.