
Jaha taints everything with his righteous douchiness. It's hard to care.

The whole "City of Light" thing feels very Caprica, but I don't know if anyone else actually watched that show. I trust the 100 showrunners to handle that well, but I just hate Jaha so damn much at this point. I want Murphy to end up back in the Adventure Squad again.


So excited to see that people have caught up for this season. This devastating show needs more eyeballs!

Octavia's the best.

Thank you. I wanted to yell at Abby.

Also, if the farm station survived, we're totally meeting Miller's boyfriend, right?

Both Legends of Tomorrow and The 100 had two-part premieres split over a week, but if it helps ratings, I'm OK with it. One show is delightfully bonkers, and the other has become one of my favorite shows ever. I hope they both continue.

I'm actually surprised at the fandom (I'm an idiot like that) for getting excited for #Clexa or whatever. How can you imagine Clarke wanting to be with Lexa when her betrayal caused Clarke to literally slaughter hundreds of innocent people? That's not something a young couple can just move past.

Just for clarification, the Ice Nation is also considered Grounders. The tribe in which the Sky Crew or "Skaikru" (this damn show) from space has aligned themselves - the tribe under Lexa - is the Tree Crew or "Trikru", right?

Mmmmm Colin Donnell…

Oh, man, can Kevin Weisman guest star on Legends?!

That's entirely fair. That scene was perfect.

Ummm spoiler alert….

Can Stein channel Jack Bristow every other episode? Victor Garber can be pretty scary when he wants to be.

I do hope we get to see the room that creates outfits. That sounds delightful.


I'll eat my hat.

Any non-Ollie flashback is a good flashback - even Merlyn's hilariously soap opera one last season.

OK, that's fair, I missed that. It just felt rushed, narratively. Not gonna complain, though, cuz Goth Felicity was fun and a nice way to screw with our resident hacker.