
They really needed at least an episode or so with Felicity on the mend/on meds to give this more weight. She went from "takin' my pain mediation" to "Holy Hallucination, Batman!" in a good 40 seconds of screen time.

Katana was the most-developed - and arguably, best acted - of the three, so it would be a shame for her to fall into DC's paper shredder.

Her OTA (one true addiction)

omg wut a dick

Oh, god, I would rather let that poor, mourning character - a highlight in a sea of lowlights last season - live on offscreen rather than have her return to get killed. Ugh, DC.

They basically acknowledged that Waller was garbage.

At least Laurel and Felicity were like "OK OK asshole Ollie, get it out of your system like a big boy"

My favorite of the three names, and I didn't watch/like Smallville.

"I know my terrible decisions were right because I did the research, I sniffed, and yes, my shit don't stink."

Man, I don't get the "sophomore slump" reaction everyone is getting with Flash. I still adore it; it's just less fresh.

It makes even less sense to me. Wouldn't introducing Blue Beetle to an audience who, let's be honest, has never heard of him, be a good thing? Make them *like* a character?

Who's even left? Fucking Cupid?

At some point Laurel's gonna start looking longingly at a bottle of red in order to make sense of all this shit.

Also, she has looked seriously jacked since the beginning of season three. Laurel has been the only improvement since the rest of the show dipped downwards.

In Star City, the more fast food you consume (and the more you scowl), the better shape you're in.

Arrow-Waller was a smug idiot, but she contoured like a boss.

Afghanistan is really rainy and foggy in the Arrowverse, apparently.

Hallucination Felicity is the most fun Emily Bett has had since season two.

They got to Felicity hallucinating from pills rather quickly.

The exaggerated sound of people chewing while delivering dialogue is like nails on a chalkboard for me, so Andy eating a cheeseburger during his first scene was the *worst*.