"I'm a scientist, not a goddamn NERD."
"I'm a scientist, not a goddamn NERD."
Laurel has been a much better character after they abandoned any pretense of her having a romantic partner. The only potential was that former vigilante who was training her. Did he die off camera or something???
Studies bum me out, man.
"Let's hang out in a park with my twin who, uh, isn't struggling with performance issues right now."
Jay made it clear that he had already done the research Caitlin suggested, and that it wouldn't work. Why he had to take her to the park to show her his counterpart was just for flourish, I suppose.
It amuses me when people attempt to use 'SJW' as a pejorative.
Wasn't Dark Matter used in season one of AoS when some dude used it to chase after Coulson's ex?
I think she's a full cast member on Luke Cage, so between DD and Luke, we'll be getting a bunch of her this year (presuming Luke premieres in November, which is a safe bet).
Good to see Not Another Teen Movie up there. Good stuff!
Dang. It would be criminal if the CW couldn't, at the very least, gather all these actors for some sort of live musical special.
I can appreciate a melancholy hour of the Flash.
I actually loved this episode, especially all the Reverse Flash stuff. And holy shit, Shantel VanSanten out-cried Grant Gusten. That's an achievement.
And yet in the teaser for the next episode, it looks like Benoist is playing Bizarro so *shrug*
Flockhart made me tear up during that. How far she has come from the pilot!
Crane was a more nuanced character than Trump.
They cast another actress to play Bizarro (Bizzara?), but that was almost certainly Benoist in the shot. Maybe they didn't want to pay a guest star for just a quick shot.
It's probably because, over the course of a few days, Kara was the only buffer who seemed to help the situation he, deep down, wanted to work out with his mother.
I was more concerned with that shoddy-ass roof.
She certainly had more poise and character than that piece of shit.