
I was actually pretty impressed with Adam. He really could have been a whiny Winn-er, but the actor's low-key voice and performance sold it.

Cat respects results, and her friggin' estranged son showed up, so that probably helped.

Between Supergirl and Flash (and even a few Arrow folks), there are a ton of singers in the extended universe.

The way Harewood made his voice, like, an octave lower should have sounded silly, but it was actually pretty unnerving.

OMG I have been reading Charlie at i09 for ages and had no idea she wrote fiction. So pumped to check this out.

I bought all three together - and again, I don't regret buying this or any book, really - but goddamn was it no fun to read.

It didn't help that we lost Cordy and [REDACTED] more or less back-to-back.

… are you insane?

Moira was everything.

omg no

Counter-point: I don't watch wrestling, but my roommate does. Reigns and Rollins are fine as hell and I could stare at them for days.

Dang. Disagree.

They ruined her in season three. That poor actress was giving garbage to work with, and it culminated in her attempting to sacrifice an entire city for her boyfriend. "But Oliverrrrrr!" is the character's death cry, I'm afraid.

That's insane. The actress playing Iris can actually act.

Every time Sam is onscreen, I'm baffled why I'm supposed to care.

Also ageless? Like, what's her secret?

You leave my husband Piz out of this!

How could you muster enough energy for Duncan to hate? It's boring-ass Duncan.

I enjoyed her more in repeat viewings, but the show straight-up couldn't decide what to do with that character.

Man, I really liked Hazel. Schaal's shtick always works for me.