I sort of hate Oliver Queen at this point, and I still enjoy Arrow. I get it.
I sort of hate Oliver Queen at this point, and I still enjoy Arrow. I get it.
I just don't understand the love for Morgan. His arbitrary self-righteousness is the WORST.
But he had great rats :(
Yes. Connor's whole arc is actually devastating, but there's a lot of annoying to crawl through to arrive there.
I love season 4 so much because it's messy, but it's the only show I've seen that has reasonably shown a city-wide apocalypse. And, of course, Gina Torres is absolutely perfect as a goddess monster.
Ugh, Cordy was truly ruined by that season.
So great on Mad Men.
He was pretty chill in the fifth season, but I totally agree with you. How the fuck did they cast that actor - who I loved on Mad Men, to be fair - as David Boreanaz's son. Like… get it together, casting.
I feel like "Hawk memory" is going to be arbitrary and inconsistent for as long as they are a part of this show.
At some point, it's like YA authors - and publishers - are ruthlessly pandering to these kids (and me, an adult who purchased these books *shame*) without challenging them in any way. At least the Hunger Games books were fucked up and addressed wartime issues. These books are just a fucking vacuum.
I read these godforsaken books - I deserve your shame - and it blows my mind they managed to split the last book into two movies. Nothing at all happens, and then the protagonist gets murdered because conflict was lacking - fuck your spoilers, this whole franchise hurts my heart. None of it makes any damn sense, and…
I wish I had the power to rile up douchebags with the swiftness of Sarkeesian. They get so *angry*.
Oscar Isaac makes me masturbatory, too.
That mask did really film well.
The flashbacks are the *worst*
Generally a really strong episode, but that climax was weak. The fight choreographer took a week off, I guess?
LOL just Google'd The White Shadow - wtf
Patty Spivot is such a fun character - almost entirely because the actress is so damn adorable. It would be a damn shame to write her out.
Using a Queen song is probably cheating, but this looks like it could be a bunch of fun.
IMO Calista is awesome on this show. She sells comedy with an over-sized personality and still injects warmth.