Caulfield is in way too few things, truly. She played my favorite Buffy character.
Caulfield is in way too few things, truly. She played my favorite Buffy character.
Totally reasonable and not crazy reaction to that information.
God bless Agent Carter for A. being developed into a TV show in the first place and B. getting renewed for a second season. We are very lucky.
I'm just here for Caity Lotz finally getting her due after they battered her character around on Arrow.
The advertising has been top-notch, but the movie, itself, looks a little douchey. That said, Deadpool has never appealed to me, but I love the X-Men.
A lot of people, probably. I am.
Then I have been doing this superhero thing all wrong :(
Ooh, I hope so. Didn't even think about that.
Rawr to Jon Bernthal, first of all.
CBR's unofficial count puts Ollie at 55 kills in season one:
Again, hired security, who are doing nothing illegal, would get arrow'd straight to hell.
Yeah, but being in a wheelchair doesn't necessarily mean it's a permanent thing.
It would be so, so dumb and cheap-looking. Do NOT do that to my Kamala, ABC.
I'm honestly curious who killed more people in season one - Malcolm with his earthquake or Ollie with his straight-up murdering goons every goddamn episode.
I do agree with you, but I don't think "You're good for a novice!" means she should get an award.
You must be fun at parties.
The second season finale is… wow, it's really great.
Stupid, clumsy Roy.
Oh, no! Not beloved That Lady!