
Imagine Laurel pouring his ashes into the Pit and crying out "Daddy, do you love me now???"

Also - who dies? Let's hash it out.

Now that it is done setting up the spin-off, I hope this season picks up. Like last year, the flashbacks are interminable. But the bad guy is legit, and it's pretty neat seeing all four of our color-coded heroes hitting the streets (very Power Rangers).

He's were-cancer, and he killed them both, the bastard.

Ok but he still needlessly bullied an 11 year old.

He's 69 years old and has a great voice… he needs to be careful this week.

Oh, I mean from like the first few seasons. I haven't seen it in years.

Yay nobody asked for this!

Did any characters return?

He says a lot of stuff.

He's like a battered spouse who won't leave.

Where's my damn Alias mini-series, since everyone's getting their fave show back?

I didn't love Petra being forced into rejecting Jane - the plot screws were rusty this episode, and it undercut character work.

Damn, was hoping Charlize would get nominated.

Yeah, my Chris Messina crush was born watching that season.

A friend urged me to watch this. The first and fourth seasons were really the only ones I liked very much, but the lead performances were lovely.


When Luisa cried out "Rick!" and the subtitle corrected her, I cackled for a solid minute.

"Petra is my homeslice so you go girl, go artifically inseminate yourself with your ex-husband's sperm and make his life hell"

This episode was objectively perfect. Give Gina Rodriquez all of the awards.