
I can offer lots of pity, though, if that's what you're after.

that would get in the way of bitching about how hard it is to be a white man in 2015

I'm laughing at you. I don't take you seriously. That's what I'm saying.

^this hilarious nonsense is why it's so funny to laugh at you dumbshits

A plle of shit is a pile of shit, no mattew how ya step in it.

I don't know how you guys take yourselves seriously when it's impossible for the rest of us.

The effing clip on hair should be getting someone fired. It's inexcusable.


Yeah, her general (sorta disturbing?) message was basically: "I need a human life to retain humanity, or else I will because a wrathful space demon."

I'm right there with you. This was a pretty deflating episode to come back to. There's so much confusing WTFery that I often find myself considering about how or why this world works the way it does.

Definitely your problem and not hers.

When Lucas changed the cantina band to play "I Am Woman" in the special edition DVDs, I knew all was lost.

Lol you did nooooot

Either way I'm standing my ground next time I spot one.

"First they came for the Twitter harassers, and I said nothing…"

Honestly so glad y'all are out there protecting my rights. Had a right snatched as I was leaving the grocery store yesterday. A member of Congress straight up snatched it and ran.

Same garbage, different dumpster.

You are so brave.

Mkay, buddy. You do you.

A pile of shit is a pile of shit. Calling it a dooky is only just a whimsical touch.