
Did you hear these broads can vote now?

So she could defend herself? She didn't want to hold hands with a complete stranger while she's running for her life?

Honestly just admire your enthusiasm. May you some day find a better venue for it.


It's fantastic.

K'yut! Suh k'yut!

Fabulous episode, but I was surprised it ended in such a dark way. They must have known season two renewal was a sure bet.

Good God, Manimal. What came over you to endure such a, to you, shitty show.

Good God, come off it.

Let me offer you a share so that you may take a seat.

Can we talk about horrendously unattractive that piece of shit Kyle Smith is?

Agreed. Not cool, A.V. Club.

I love this movie, because it's very much a superhero story.

Does it matter who's paying for it if someone's buying it?

What's great about Shkreli is that he's such a colossal shitbag, so authentically hate-able, that he united the American people as one mob of a pitchfork mob. It was actually quite beautiful.

I think, and I have seen others say, that they should have held off Kilgrave's reveal by injecting some actual cases for Jessica to work at the beginning of the season.

Only in retrospect, I imagine. At least people liked the first movie. Avatar… happened, I guess?

Check out this hot take, everyone.

The least-needed sequel?

This series is hardly "pure trash." This was just a jumbled, violent episode.