
He's really funny at UCB
I've seen him a few times at Upright Citizens Brigade in LA, and he is really funny. He does a show called Crash Test with Paul Scheer, and it's only $5 every other Monday. He is also incredibly cute in person.

oh, jezebel
I consider myself a very progressive, very liberal feminist and I just can't stand Jezebel sometimes. Maybe it's the snarky tone they write in, or how self-righteous they seem, but sometimes I really can't stand the blog or their commenters. And whoever posted that Slate takedown of Jezebel and Double XX

The Echoplex is kind of on Glendale Blvd, under the Sunset Blvd overpass/bridge.

You Gave Your Love to Me Softly is my absolute, all-time favorite Weezer song.

Over there, there's a big pile of them.

I echo everyone else in this thread that Bernal is adorable.

I remember going to concerts at Nation before it closed, and one night got very badly lost driving around (I'm from Montgomery County) and my friends and I ended up right at a crime scene in progress…guy lying on the ground bleeding to death from a gunshot wound and cops running after the shooter.

I also hate, hate, hate Scarlett Johannson. The fact that she wasn't in much of the Prestige was great. At first I thought she was a decent actress, but as I saw more of her movies, she just played the same wooden-voiced object of desire in all her movies.

They are adorable.

18th Street Lounge is not it's all cracked up to be, and they never enforce their dress code, or at least, do it arbitrarily. They're harsher on guys…well, I guess it makes sense. I went with a group of friends, some guys were actually wearing jeans and sneakers, but all the girls were dressed up and hot so I guess

Sin is the Sea, I have the same feelings towards Kate. I despise her character, her hypocrisy, and her ability to always fuck things up. I think she's one of the most selfish characters on Lost, and I also hope she dies in a fire.

Yeah, I kind of hope Kate dies a horrible, horrible death on this show. She sucks.

I wish they would do something more with Walt, besides the 30 second conversation they had in this episode. What happened to Walt when the Others kidnapped him? What exactly are his powers?

The entire time after Locke came down from hanging himself, and Ben kept talking, I was thinking there's no way this will end well, and I had an inkling Ben would do something, but even when it happened, I gasped audibly. I love this show.

Oh, I hate Kate's character too, but I definitely know why. She's whiny, can't ever make up her mind and is always messing shit up.

"The writers are so clever at giving the audience the information they need without making it feel like pandering exposition. That is, when they feel like giving up information at all."

I really didn't think that Jin would actually be alive…I was thinking he'd be dead and you'd see his ghost or whatever on the island. This makes his and Sun's story more interesting….

Those videos are really neat. It must take forever to do it like that.