
not really to be honest, I don't get the Winona-hate but she's pretty low on the list of key players

He's one of my favourite authors but I was bored to tears by Djibouti. This one doesn't sound much better. Think some of his later work (say..post-Tishomingo Blues) has been good - Mr Paradise, for instance, but mostly it's been average. Still, the guy has written maybe a dozen stone cold classics so he gets a

Why do the NYT feel the need to wheel out Jonathan Lethem any time a comic book or PKD angle comes into play?

Wyn Duffy: "You still there?"
Vogel: "Where else would I be, cornholin' a pig?"

Melancholia was awful, are you people high?

How on earth is this unmitigated carnival of runny feces still on the air? All the supposedly witty and risqué sexual banter is like watching your dad trying to breakdance. At some point long ago it stopped being funny and now you just feel embarrassed for the old guy, hoping he'll either stop or mortally injure

arf arf

As much as I like Michael Mann, half of that pilot episode could have been in Chinese. The set up for the rest of the season did make it look interesting though, plus Dennis Farina is always watchable.

seriously weaksauce episode, Olivia in particular was forced to drop some clangers

they did such a great job with Unforgettable

It's visually quite impressive (even sans Facebender penis), you can certainly tell McQueen comes from an art background, but mostly it did nothing for me. There's a guy, he's all fucked up sexually most likely due to a history of abuse, he has lots of meaningless sex and is unable form any intimacy with these girls,

The biggest problem I had with the show was believing he went all Patty Hearst because of Issa

anytime there's a potential for violence/home invasion in a domesticated setting, DO NOT put the kettle on, it's like a magnet for evil henchmen, everyone knows that, duh

who was that dude? I kept thinking it was that lunk of a brother from Everybody Loves Raymond

Disappointed there are no ZMF posts here yet.

I'm swizz beatz and so is my wife

Read: Pattern Recognition, the 'Mancer and Virtual Light. 
Avoid: Idoru, Snooze Country

Boyd says something to Raylan along the lines of: "If books could only be judged by their covers, you'd be a best seller". Hot damn.

seriously Duffy looks like he's had what the French call a coup de vieux

My favourite part is when he assures the passengers that they'll land somewhere safely. My other favourite part was the rest of it.