
Someone on these message boards a few weeks back actually called the Arsinio win for those very reasons, but even expecting it I was still surprised that the show would seem so obvious about it.

Someone on these message boards a few weeks back actually called the Arsinio win for those very reasons, but even expecting it I was still surprised that the show would seem so obvious about it.

I'm a little surprised that nobody seems too interested in what was the most tragic moment of the show with Patricia Velasquez, who was easily the most earnest person on the show seriously competing for a small charity and who got canned after not having one a project herself, basically admitting that she had squeezed

I'm a little surprised that nobody seems too interested in what was the most tragic moment of the show with Patricia Velasquez, who was easily the most earnest person on the show seriously competing for a small charity and who got canned after not having one a project herself, basically admitting that she had squeezed

Deleted, because reading comments on this show puts me in a pissy mood.

Deleted, because reading comments on this show puts me in a pissy mood.

You forget that James Cameron had been working on the Avatar script for nearly 20 years.

Yea, the gall of that cuntwhoreslutbitchcuntgetbackinthekitchen whore for suggesting that Arsenio's completely justified rant about that, rather horrible and narcissistic, whore whore whore whore whore whore slut bitch cunt was actualy sexist!

6 seasons? You know you don't have to like everything other people like?

A bit late, but while these drowned men do seem to be brought back by something like cpr, old Damphair himself, if i recall correctly, did get propperly drowned and had some kind off death experience with the drowned god. Patchface might be seen first in the books if that was what whoever was making the comment was

I'm with Fizzick

The most fucked up thing that Trump said, talking about Aubrey:
'I know many people like that, and some do well, and some burn and crash and go down like dogs'

It was really weird the way that Arsenio was fluffing her up earlier though, he realy should have started out more honest and then he wouldn't have needed to drag it down so steeply.

He actually said 'who didn't give 110%, if that is even mathematically possible?'
Yes, it is possible to give less than 110%, IS GRAMMAR EVEN POSSIBLE!

Judging by the Jaimie scene it looks like Riverrun is being pushed out of the show to some extent. Too many characters/locations?

Are those book five spoilers?

Come on, tell us up to which book you are spoiling at least. Looks like i'm going to have to read five as people are compelled to jump to the end.

Have you ever seen Utu? Its not really what you are talking about…

That sounds more like an insult aimed at Ivanka Trump from the comedian.

That Atlanta lady was alright, it'd have paid to be able to keep her cool but that was such a tangle of bullshit talk that Star Jones was constantly weaving. Atlanta was always in the right.