
The Sam Neill produced/presented documentary Cinema of Unease "part of the BFI's Century of Cinema series" is really good and should give you a few idea, and is worth watching just for itself.
You can watch it here*, but I'm not sure how it treats international ip addresses:

I'm probably just helping the stereotype of us being technically backwards though, I got laughed at a while ago by some Americans when I said I was going to 'videotape' something… 

Not sure what it is in Australia these days but I remember reading that the licensing cost for an episode of the Sopranos was about 5 thousand in NZ for a show that had a production value in the millions.

It can run run HD mkvs or whatever as long as is is coded with just regular MPEG-4(FFmpeg if I am getting that right) but not H.264 well at high resolutions and not likely ever to as I don't think it has the processing power (and the XBMC people have moved on to stuff that does anyway I think).

I caught a few minutes of the Bill a while back and it looked like they had removed the feet from the end credits? That was the best bit!

@Big Kahuna The original Xbox with XBMC is even better! and still running after all these years.

You are generalising a bit much Clown, I've picked up a ton of series cheap as hell. Cancelled stuff like Carnival or the Breaking Bad blu-ray (season 2 but the article is about having a bit of patience) and its easy enough to get stuff shipped from Aus or the U.K with barely any or no shipping fees.

I'd agree with that, this kind of action would seem to do a lot of good in raising awareness of this guy and you really have to think about the government and the film producers together on one of these giant national pictures.

"As for me, I'm not a misogynist, I'm a misanthrope." Keep telling yourself that.

I was thinking the same thing. Andy's loyalty to Darren throughout the series seemed perverse to me.

Being the HR guy and all.

Michael's antagonism towards Toby is fairly easy to understand: back when Toby was a regular character, and before he stopped caring, and Michael was more of an arsehole/moron, Toby was the guy that would always say "you can't do that Michael" to his most inappropriate ideas.

What a bizarre series of comments.

From the Antipodes so we get a rough mix of British and American TV. I suppose part of the problem might be with personal experience and comparing something that played during a few formative years with a decades long institution so it would be a far more universal influence I guess, and even if there are some

Well I have argued, though not too well, myself bored and am perhaps over-rating lexx's novel weirdness but still have to maintain that there was some very good stuff throughout it's run and felt like some case should be made for its place in the scheme of things.

You know, this does not seem too surprising at all since I've had at least two biology lecturers use an image of the Coppola family when talking about variation within families and I actually suggested to one of them that he throw in Nickolas Cage in there next time around. That picture was from the Cambell and

Well, not exactly 100% serious. It is of-coarse nowhere near the level of a Battlestar Galactica, and Star trek TNG is in a different generation of shows, but it competes with or betters in most aspects all of the B(C?) grade shows like your early Babylon 5 and Farscapes or Stargates. Just take a look at the first

I don't remember too many outdoor locations but I guess that is what you see at the start of the fourth season. A German co-production as well brought in those European accents that seem to make more convincing aliens than Australians (at least to someone that has grown up watching Home and Away).

I am 100% serious.

"Is is a masterpiece of early cinema, or a racist piece of trash? No one has an answer"