
They covered Black Flag's "Six Pack" when I saw them and I almost cried with joy. It was on Black Friday and I was still working retail. If there's ever a time I needed to go to a noise punk show, it's after working Black Friday in retail.

Why would I take relationship advice from the man who broke up Pavement!

Wonder 2 sounds like the soundtrack to super smash bros in a blender. In a good way.

Did you notice she was poly-blasian?

It would have to include some depressing sessions with Nigel Godrich too

It would have to include some depressing sessions with Nigel Godrich too

Blur beat them at the great britpop war of 95' and that box set is the best thing I could have found when I was 17 year old aspiring englophile.

Blur beat them at the great britpop war of 95' and that box set is the best thing I could have found when I was 17 year old aspiring englophile.

Probably his best cast role in WALL-E then. That was the first human being WALL-E ever saw, and I think he's a great ambassador for the human race based on that.

Probably his best cast role in WALL-E then. That was the first human being WALL-E ever saw, and I think he's a great ambassador for the human race based on that.

Eno is way more famous for making later U2 and Coldplay tolerable. His solo work is secondary to his production, though Chemical Brothers and Nine Inch Nails named albums after "My Life in the Bush of Ghosts" with Byrne. The record is almost unlistenable in modern day.

Eno is way more famous for making later U2 and Coldplay tolerable. His solo work is secondary to his production, though Chemical Brothers and Nine Inch Nails named albums after "My Life in the Bush of Ghosts" with Byrne. The record is almost unlistenable in modern day.

That's what got me into Eno, he invented a ridiculous figure 8 reel to reel recording device for the looping and called it Frippertronics.

That's what got me into Eno, he invented a ridiculous figure 8 reel to reel recording device for the looping and called it Frippertronics.

Ambition can make you look pretty ugly.

Ambition can make you look pretty ugly.