
Elor Azaria.

Seeing as a miniscule number of Israeli *soldiers* actually patrol the West Bank, I would suggest saying something more like:

Don't know about other countries, but Israelis are OBSESSED with shit like this.

Oh, not really trying to damn the film. My grade would be just a bit lower ( B-/C+).

In all Hebrew reviews he is considered an uncle, and also this is the first time I heard someone saying that people do not consider them your uncle. what are they considered?

Dissapontied that the review doesn't refer to the real life allusions, so i'll fill in:
Norman is ( very loosely) based on the politcal clusterfuck surrounding Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (which is now in jail) reciving gifts from a NY businessman called Moshe Telanski.
The film does stray away from the real life events,

What about transformers?