The Ruff. I love it, and I'm stealing it.
The Ruff. I love it, and I'm stealing it.
I don't know that I would call it drama. Then again, I don't know what I *would* call it.
is the worst thing.
Not even. Her body is pointy, and they're not breasts. They're just big chemical balls.
It was Ryan, Jorge.
I'm pretty excited to see him play at Coney Island on the 17th. Gotta support a fellow Notre Dame alum.
What if Mr. T doesn't want me to move on him?
All rappers want to be comedians. (And some of them probably could be.)
Junior, I've been looking forward to that episode ever since this hubbub got started.
I love that JIZZING ON HIS PIECE didn't warrant either top 2 or bottom 2. The judges were just like, "That's cool, bro. See you next week."
It will be a total shocker if Miles does not win. He has solid craft, a huge repertoire of skills, and an idea or two.
Almost as great as my idea for the third Fast & Furious movie: they should have called it 3 FAST 3 FURIOUS.
Wow, how did I fuck that up?
You suck. Dallas rules.
Drunk Neal Schweiber watching Dallas is the funniest thing of all time.
Persia, do you have a link to that image of Aang? I can't find it on Racebending.
Heisler, that first paragraph is right on target and, in the words of Greg Giraldo, "hilarious."
More like From Paris With Love.
Mr. Tortilla Head
fucking SLAYED me.
Is this real life?
Let's turn this into a new THE ROOM.