
Daily Buzzkills
Has it been replaced by "here's another shitty sequel"? because there sure are a lot of them, and they are killing my buzz. But not as efficiently as the DB

holy shit. today's buzzkill could have just been a link to the blingee site and saved everyone some time (though i thoroughly enjoyed the Bread slam. and the teenage girls are morons quote. ok forget it)

No. Talking Heads - Remain in Light

you'll go blind if you abuse your wonton all the time

as is Emoh. Holding Back the Year would fit right on Bubble & Scrape

but if the daily buzzkill was only about who died today…well I don't think I'd read it. but it would definitely kill my buzz. either way, mission accomplished

it will be good to share comments on Facebook
because all of mine are extremely important

I can't wait to hear what incredible insights Ted Gibson can offer on this exciting new subject

I thought we were all singing Guns N Roses

The video is disturbing. Can't wait till my kids graduation, sponsored by Coca-Cola

Agreed. If you were to choose one (but why would you?) go with Parklife

I would like to have fun learning adventures. Is Scientology right for me?

It looks a lot better than 2012. Good to see Cusack not doing a romantic comedy or end of the world shit

I don't think the Ugly Truth will be remembered for anything

Well said. I don't know if we'll ever see a band put out 5 records in a row as solid as REM's in the 80s (I'd even say 8 in a row, through Automatic). I guess Radiohead did (though they haven't made it to 8), but who else will pull that off?

I thought his name
was Robert Paulson

I read somewhere that he likes websites

It's kind of funny to imagine him actually speaking these words

Is there an unwritten rule that every article about Ringo has to say he's not a great musician? Compared to the rest of the Beatles, yeah he's probably not as great. Compared to Bonham or Keith Moon or Jimmy Chamberlin, etc yeah maybe not as great a drummer. But Rain, Day in the Life, etc are nothing to sneeze at.

You know how he do