
So I'm one, where's the other three?

Yeah, I'm trying to just force myself to accept that Keitel is not going to be the Gene Hunt I knew and loved from the UK series. I think I'm having an easier time because I had SUCH low expectations. But yeah, Keitel is a legend, but Glenister's Hunt wins.

Everyone knows it's Goldie
Did Windy remind anyone else of Goldie Hawn in CACTUS FLOWER? I wouldn't think anything of it but they did mention Goldie Hawn earlier in the episode. Similar character in a similar "lighten up the guy next door" situation.

That was great to hear his experience of Nosferatu. My dad went along similar lines of thinking when he showed it to me when I was 6. I swear to god, for the following three years I slept with the blankets tightly covering my neck.

Don't worry about the spoiler alert Yossarian, we see the heartbreaking moment she finally talks in the trailer.

People forget that afros are the real victims in times like these.

Anyone else try to do a knucklepuck with a roller hockey ball as kids? It doesn't quiiiiite work out.

I don't suppose the biography covered Adams' preferences regarding wine; particularly, his feelings towards merlot?

Ma, ma, where's my pa?!

This has been a magical day.

I'm going to confess to ignorance off the bat…science is not really my strong suit…but what was the downside of just disconnecting the battery? I was under the impression that without an electrical charge, the explosive couldn't go off. And, it seems like them freezing it was just a more roundabout and temporary way

I'm with you. I don't understand why I can't get into him, it's like those magic eye pictures where everyone's saying "oh yeah, look, a dinosaur!", and I'm just standing there pissed that I can't see it.

Dead children are hil-A-rious.

Iron Man makes Speed Racer assume pole position in weekend box office.


It's still hard to beat Graham Chapman in the killer rabbit scene.

What does it say about your self esteem when the character you identify with most is the fellow redhead with no lines who doesn't know about Sandwich Day?

Also, something to the effect of being 12 at her boyfriend's frat party. Perfect.

I would go for appropriately bad, and I was even a bit distracted by just how pathetic he was.

You know you've lived in Berkeley too long when you see a sign on the side of the road saying "Free Firewood" and you think, "What did firewood do?"