Wolverine DoppelShane

Oh, fucking Chuck and Larry. That movie has a surprising level of acceptance among the gay people I know, considering how its entire message is "no homo".

Nobody who takes time out of their day to help teenagers they don't know can be called a bitch.

Can I half-like this comment? Because I only want to endorse the top half.

"The US has not declared war on any country since WWII."

So wait, am I the only putz who was genuinely surprised at the Rebecca reveal?

We've got phones with 41 megapixel cameras, but the best photo we have of the creatures is still something that looks like it was taken through cellophane.

Fingers crossed that the virus is revealed to be of Clotharian origin, thus opening the door for MM and Dubby's entrance.

Did you mean "Orange is the New Black"?

It baffles me that this isn't a thing yet. I'll even accept them as the two members of a private detective agency.

"The hazards of note-taking: “Pete’s grandfather was a birthday.” I know there was some kind of joke here, but technology failed me and I can’t remember. What was Pete’s grandpa? A robber-baron?"

"You're a hack."

I'm not entirely sure White does give a shit. I don't hear him promoting smaller films or clamoring for anyone to get more attention. It's all negative, contrarian crap from him, and the fact that he heckles filmmakers proves he doesn't really respect what he's doing. I hate Brett Ratner's films, but if I'm at a

Was. Was a groundbreaker. Nobody will ever see Norbit and think "groundbreaking work!"

"Also, you;d think Dorian, a field officer on a highly dangerous case would rate higher on charging queue than the random MX's who exist entirely to "guard the base". "

Never seen "Mad Men" then, I take it?

"Always nice to see Amy Acker on the T.V., although I guess she's not a regular."

Person of Interest is covered by The AV Club and has gotten a number of well-deserved A grades over the past year. Hell, The AV Club wrote two FYC articles on the show. You could do a lot worse than that, and two quality shows out of 5 (Elementary and Person of Interest) isn't a bad batting average.

"I'd only use that term on the feminists who are in favour of male genocide."

Getting On is only 6 episodes? Man, I'm mightily tempted to marathon both this and Rectify. Should I?

Could not agree more with this. I will miss this show.