Wolverine DoppelShane

Back in Nikita's first season, I was hoping against hope for a crossover episode where The Machine gives out the number of someone Division is set to assassinate, and Reese and Nikita both go in with the intent of stopping the Division assassin, and after an initial bout, they figure out they're on the same side and

I read Ducknasty, and my mind immediately went to the Dave Chappelle "Player haters ball" skit, with Buck Nasty.

Oh, absolutely. But some of the ways it gets used now is highly amusing. Like I once had someone tell me Kathryn Bigelow's Oscar win was a result of the Academy trying to be politically correct, because Lord knows a woman can't actually be worthy of the prize on her own, not to mention the sensitivity the Academy has

"My needs aren't being taken care of first! I'm oppressed!"

Interesting that they don't even pretend to be victims anymore. Unsurprising, though, that pretense was getting harder and harder.

You're the kind of person who uses the word "feminazi" a lot, aren't you?

And I tried so hard to conceal it too. I didn't even talk ONCE about Titanic.

Well, good to know saying racist and homophobic things doesn't get you fired anymore. Time to try it out at my workplace next week!

I don't understand; his comment is right above mine, why would I have to remember anything? Unless you mean the "MIDDLE OF AFGHANISTAN!" thing, in which case you need to brush up on your Aaron Sorkin.

This is a very odd thing to complain about on The AV Club, a site dedicated to pop culture. I mean, did you also bring up the "Your brother is standing IN THE MIDDLE OF AFGHANISTAN!" argument when people were discussing the Conan-Leno debacle? What about during all the extensive conversations about Dan Harmon's

As someone who was in the core demographic when "Hit me baby one more time" came out, I've always had a soft spot for Spears, and I'm pretty glad she bounced back from the K-Fed and all that jazz to start making pop hits again. It seems too early in her career for a Vegas residency, though, considering her songs still

I kinda dig that when it comes down to the one person who will unquestioningly go into battle with her, Nikita calls on Alex, not Michael or Birkhoff or anyone else.

I unabashedly loved this new episode, and am pissed as hell that it aired so late in the year, otherwise I'd have pushed for its inclusion in "best tv of the year" lists. Wonderful stuff all around.

I was actually addressing this paragraph in the review

Wait, wasn't parts of this a Die Hard parody? Alphonse did say "Santa, bubby, I'm your white knight", and I thought Lennon's accent was a straight nod to Hans Gruber. Plus the "ladies and gentlemen" line, Trent sending an elf back in a box a la McClane sending the terrorist back down the elevator, all seemed like

It's always awesome to hear these stories.

"We now go to our panel, featuring a Kitten expert and a Well expert, for further analysis of what this means."

Shoulda just LaBoeuf'd it.

I think it's very telling that the two examples of public intellectuals mentioned in the article, Norman Mailer and Christopher Hitchens, were women-hating white dudes.

With Roan wordlessly walking behind him.