Wolverine DoppelShane

I actually thought they'd kill off Nikita in the missile hit, because that's how Nikita rolls too.

You should compare them against screencaps of Shame, make sure you didn't get ripped off.

I cannot disagree with that.

At this point, I'm kind of sad they weren't able to make the Wonder Woman show. I'm pretty sure they'd do the character more justice than Snyder and Goyer will in the movie.

Yeah, a person who jauntily goes around murdering people because he likes to sounds less like a superhero and more like a serial killer.

It's pretty much a formality at this point, isn't it?

What are you on about with CW protagonists being emo? Are you really reading Oliver as simply "emo"?

This comment intrigued me, so I went back through your post history to find out where, and holy shit, what the hell happened in the Bad Boys 3 comment section? It's too bad the little shitdick isn't bold enough to keep his comments up, but wow, so many deleted comments.

I'm with Deborah in that it was way too clumsily easy how Amanda connected the dots between Peller and Birkhoff. But I'm also digging how they're evenly distributing the wins between Nikita and The Shop; The Shop blows up Gordon, Nikita takes out faux-Graham. Nikita tries to use Peller, but they end up having to kill

Also, I hope we get some Nikita-Alex interaction before the series is over. I know they had the phone call after the assassination of faux-Graham, but their friendship has always been one of the draws of the show for me, so I hope we haven't seen the last face-to-face interaction between them. Then again, with Alex

I noticed last week, but forgot to mention, they're going an interesting coupled pairings for the episode titles.

Well, isn't the whole point of Rochelle Rochelle to poke fun at Jerry, George, and Kramer for wanting to see something that sounds completely cliched and uninteresting only because of the possibility of nudity?

I agree with Boyle having self-esteem. People-pleasing aside, he doesn't seem to lack confidence in himself.


"I don't think the show needs another new character, it already has too many, but they did it well."

Aaaaand I should've scrolled down and seen this mentioned already.

Well, in the second season, they name-dropped David Schwimmer as the only surviving Friends castmember, who was putting on a one-man version of the show for audience entertainment.

Literally his ass, I'm guessing.

Yeah, well, the internets will also complain when Tom Hiddleston doesn't get awards for playing Loki, so it's safe to say that any opinion emanating from that general direction can be ignored.

Louis CK heckles a fan to death while the Stones watch.